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CMAI Capsule for June 2021
As you are aware, the Association has sent Proforma Invoice dated April 1, 2021 to all Members, with a request to Renew their Membership of the Association for the Financial Year 2021-2022.
Members are requested to send their Renewal of Membership Subscription to the Office of the Association at the earliest.
Members can also Renew their Membership for 1/3/or 5 years. We give below a Table for 1/3 or 5 Year Membership Fees for the Information of Members.

You can also Renew your Membership by Remitting the Renewals through NEFT / RTGS to the Bank as per the Bank Details given below.
- Name of Beneficiary: The Clothing Manufacturers Association of India
- Bank Name: HDFC Bank
- IFSC CODE: HDFC0000005
- Account Number: 00051450000092
Once the Payment is received, we shall send you the Tax Invoice and the Receipt once the Office of the Association Re-opens after the Lockdown period.
Members who have already Renewed their Membership may please ignore this.
In case you have any queries about the Renewal Process, please contact Mr Vijay Sharma, Dy. Secretary on his Mobile No. 9820593780 and/or by E-mail to
We are happy to inform you that the Association will be Organising the 73rd National Garment Fair between August 2-5, 2021 at the following Two Venues.

Members who Participated in the 72nd National Garment Fair will be assured a Standard Room in the 73rd National Garment Fair to be held in August 2-5, 2021 in Mumbai provided they Submit their Registration Form by June 7, 2021
Booking of Rooms commenced on June 1, 2021 and, considering the current situation of Lockdown in various Areas, all Bookings received for Premium Rooms, Studios and Stalls in the Grand Ballroom upto June 7, 2021 had been considered as received on the same Day.
The Participation Form along with the Terms & Conditions for Participation have been sent by E-mail to all Members of the Association by May 29, 2021 and also uploaded the same on the Website of the Association –
All Premium Rooms, Studios and Stalls in the Grand Ballroom have been put in Draw of Lots since the Bookings received are more than the Available of these rooms and the alloted Room Numbers have been intimated to those who got the allotment on draw.
The Draw of Lots for Allotment of Standard Rooms is Proposed to be held in Mid July 2021 in Mumbai. The exact Date, Venue and Time will be intimated to the Exhibitors directly at a later Date. All Applications received for Standard Rooms would be Accepted on First-Come First-Serve Basis Only Subject to Availability of Rooms.
To facilitate the Visiting Retailers, the Association will be providing Free Shuttle Services between Both the Venues to facilitate easy movement of the Retailers who visit the Fair.
Members who are Interested to Participate in the 73rd National Garment Fair are requested to send their Room Booking Form duly filled in with all the required Details to the Office of the Association or through the Category-wise link provided by the Association.

The Association has made a Representation to most of the State Finance Ministers requesting them to take a strong stand at the 43rd GST Council Meeting held on May 27, 2021 and urged them to prevent the decision of Proposal to levy a uniform 12% GST across the entire Textile Value Chain which will have a disastrous impact on millions of Consumers.
The Association sent a Representation to Smt Nirmala Sitharaman, Hon’ble Minister of Finance, Ministry of Finance, Govt of India on May 31, 2021 strongly urging the Government to assist the Industry in three ways namely, Credit Support , Financial Support and Policy Support.
The Association has once again urged the Govt of Maharashtra vide Letter dated June 4, 2021 to grant permission to Operate Garment Manufacturing Units in Maharashtra under Covid Norms.
The Association has made an Appeal to the Municipal Commissioner of Greater Mumbai on June 12, 2021 requesting him to raise Mumbai from Level 3 to Level 2 as it has achieved the milestones and criteria laid down by the Government.
The Southern Regional Office of the Association made a Representation to the Office of PMO on May 12, 2021 followed by another Appeal to the Hon’ble Minister of Commerce & Industry, Govt of India, New Delhi on May 24, 2021 seeking permission to Operate Apparel Manufacturing Units for Exports as “Essential Commodities” on a similar footing on account of other Commodities which are allowed to Operate.
The Southern Regional Office of the Association made a Representation to the Labour Department, Govt of Karnataka, on June 1, 2021 with regard to submission of Objections and Suggestions to the “Industrial Relations (Karnataka) Rules 2021 for their Consideration.
The Southern Regional Office also informed the Members in Karnataka through various Advisory issued by the State Govt from time to time with regard to Lockdown Norms to be followed by the Members especially on the Policy governing the Payment of Wages + Refundable advance for the Lockdown period.
The Southern Regional Office of the Association has made a Representation dated June 10, 2021 to the Central Employees Provident Fund Commissioner, Govt of India, New Delhi regarding Aadhar Seeding in Employees Accounts with effect from June 1, 2021. A copy of the said Representation has been sent to the Members for their information
Cir No 14/73rd NGF / 21 dated May 25, 2021 sent by E –mail to all Members of the Association informing them that the Association will be Organsing the 73rd National Garment Fair between August 2-5, 2021.
Cir No 15/73rd NGF / 21 dated May 29, 2021 sent by E–mail to all Members of the Association along with the Category / Venue wise Link with the Registration Form to enable the Members to apply for Participation in the 73rd National Garment Fair to be held between August 2-5, 2021.
Cir No. 16 /C-2 / 21 dated June 2, 2021 sent by E-mail to all Members of the Association enclosing therewith a Press Release from the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) Posted on May 29, 2021 by PIB, Delhi announcing further measures to help the Families who lost the earning Member due to Covid. The Scheme will provide Family Pension to be given to the Dependents of those Families who lost their earning Member due to Covid under Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) and further Enhancing & Liberalising of Insurance Benefits under the EDLI Scheme
Cir No. 17 / 73rd NGF / 21 dtd June 2, 2021 sent by E-mail to all Members of the Association informing them that the Association has Organised the Visit on June 4, 2021 at Hotel Grand Hyatt Mumbai Hotel and Residences, Off, Western Express Highway, Santacruz (East), Mumbai 400 055 for the Members who wish to see the Standard & Premium Rooms to enable them to plan their Participation in the Men’s & Women’s Wear Section only and those Members who would like to see the Rooms are requested to Visit the Hotel on June 4, 2021 between 11.00 am to 5.00 pm and meet the Representatives of the Association at the given time.
Cir No. 18/C-2 / 21 dtd June 4, 2021 sent by E-mail to all Members in Maharashtra urging the Govt vide Letter dated June 4, 2021 to grant permission to Operate Garment Manufacturing Units in Maharashtra under Covid Norms.
Cir No 19 / 73rd NGF / 21 dated June 5, 2021 sent by E-mail to all Members of the Association informing them that the Representations made by the Association have been considered by the Government of Maharashtra and most areas of Maharashtra will be starting the Operation from Monday, June 7, 2021.
Cir No. 20 / C-2 / 21 dated June 7, 2021 sent by E –mail to all Members of the Association in Mumbai informing them that the Association is proposed to organize a VACCINATION DRIVE for CMAI Members and their Family in the Second Week of June 2021 at 901, Naman Midtown “ A” Wing, Behind Kamgar Kala Kendra, Senapati Bapat Marg, Prabhadevi (West), Mumbai 400 013 at a Nominal Charges Per Person / Per Dose (Covishield Vaccine ) of Rs.1000.00 (including GST) and that those Members who are interested to take advantage of this Vaccination Drive are requested to fill the Google Form Link – dcFzgZuS4fYz3sqt6.
Cir No 21 / C-2 / 2021 dated June 10, 2021 sent by E-mail to all Members of the Association informing them that the Southern Regional Office of the Association has made a Representation to the Central Employees Provident Fund Commissioner, Govt of India, New Delhi regarding Aadhar Seeding in Employees Accounts with effect from June 1, 2021. (A Copy of the said Representation was sent therewith).
Cir No. 22 / C-2 / 2021 dated June 10, 2021sent by E-mail to all Members of the Association informing them that the Income Tax Department has Launched a new Website on Monday, June 7, 2021 for E-filing 2.0. The salient features of the new portal also mentioned in the said Circular
Cir No. 23 / C-2 / 2021 dated June 11, 2021 sent by E-mail to all Members in Mumbai informing them that the Association has been advised to keep the COVID 19 – VACCINATION DRIVE on hold since the current Rates, Rules, and Requirements for Private Vaccination Programs are being amended hence the Association has Suspended the said Vaccination Drive.
Cir No.24 / 73nd NGF / 2021 dated June 11, 2021 sent by E Mail to all Members of the Association clarifying that the Hotel which has shut down is Hotel Hyatt Regency, situated Near Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport and not “Grand Hyatt Mumbai Hotel and Residences”, which is situated in Vakola, Santa Cruz (East). Grand Hyatt Mumbai Hotel and Residences, is in no way connected with Hotel Hyatt Regency and is not impacted by the reported financial difficulties of the Hotel Hyatt Regency. As such the Women’s and Men’s Wear Sections at the Grand Hyattt will be held as Scheduled
Cir No 25 / C-2 / 21 dated June 14, 2021 sent by E-mail to all Members in Mumbai informing them that the Association has sent an Appeal to the Municipal Commissioner of Greater Mumbai urging him to consider the request of the Association to raise Mumbai from Level 3 to Level 2 as it has achieved the milestones and criteria laid down by the Government.