Our Industry has for years been Categorized into Three Distinct Segments – one which has vast numbers but limited horizons, another which has very few numbers but large resources, International Connections, and extremely Large Organizations, and yet another which has not too large but yet a significant number, whose Members are important and crucial players, but whose sights are on goals much bigger and higher. These are the Brands who have had humble begins but huge dreams; whose presence could be Regional, but aspirations International; whose Size could be Medium but ambitions without limit; whose Management could be by Control but thinking free and unrestricted.

ACHIEVERS CLUB is an initiative to bring together a Group of like-minded Brand Owners / Manufacturers who collectively think of taking their Brands to an altogether different level.

Members  get an opportunity to learn from Industry’s best Thought Leaders, Change Makers and Innovators through their experience which enabled Participants  to gain insights to grow their own Business.

These are the ACHIEVERS CLUB of our Industry – Prestigious, Respected, Keen to learn, eager to grow. A Brand which is undoubtedly an ACHIEVERS CLUB Brand of the Indian Domestic Industry.

Kolaso is a design studio founded in London and expanded our services, and offering solutions Worldwide.