

Cir No. 70 / C-2 / 2021

Cir No. 70 / C-2 / 2021  16th March 2021


Dear Members,

I am sure you must have been reading Reports of the number of Covid 19 Cases once again shooting up in Maharashtra, and in particular Mumbai City.

The Government is taking whatever steps it can in order to curb the further spread.

However, if the spread does not come under control, it may be forced to consider harsher steps such as announcing a Lockdown once again.

Our Industry has been one of the most severely hit last year in view of Retail being one of the last Sectors to be opened up. We are just about recovering from the Pandemic. We are all aware of the disastrous impact of a renewed Lockdown if it is announced.

CMAI has already taken up the matter with the Government of Maharashtra, requesting them not to enforce any further Lockdown.

However, it is entirely in our interest to ensure that we all follow the Covid precautionary Norms in the running of our Offices, Factories, and in fact in our day-to-day life – so that any further Lockdowns are avoided at all costs.

For your convenience we are once again attaching the suggested Advisory to be followed, and request all Members to rigorously follow these Rules, so as to avoid further hardships to ourselves.

With Best Regards,

Yours Sincerely,

Rajesh Masand


Kolaso is a design studio founded in London and expanded our services, and offering solutions Worldwide.