

Cir No.60 /  I-9 / 2021

Cir No.60 / I-9 / 2021 08th January 2021


Dear Member,

We reproduce below an Invitation received from IMC Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Mumbai on the above Subject.


Online Conference
‘Technical Textile – The Future of Indian Textile Industry’
Wednesday, January 27, 2021 from 2.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m

We are pleased to inform of an online Conference “Technical Textile – The Future of Indian Textile Industry” that IMC is organising on Wednesday, January 27, 2021 from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Honourable Smt. Smriti Irani, Union Minister of Textile, Women and Child Development will deliver Keynote Address at the inaugural session as Chief Guest.

The “Technical Textile – The Future of Indian Textile Industry”online conference is an initiative towards bringing together leading experts in the field of technical textiles and deliberate on what the industry and the government could do to realise the immense potential that exists in manufacturing and export of technical textile, particularly focused in areas of medicine, sports and geo textile. The purpose is also to generate awareness about the technical textiles which is very low in the country.

The Government of India has taken some crucial economic measures to bring the economy reeling under the impact of lockdown back on its growth track. One of such measures is introducing and extending production linked incentive schemes in various sectors. One among them is very aptly the textile sector, as it is the one of the oldest industries in India having huge potential to generate employment and boost exports. That India is the largest producer of cotton and jute and second largest producer of Man-made fibre and silk works in its favour to become a leading manufacturing hub given policy backing such as PLI scheme.

One area of the sector that has gained significance across the world is technical textiles, more so during the coronavirus outbreak.  India’s journey in a short time from importer country to self-sufficiency and to exporter country of PPE Kits exhibited India’s capacity of becoming a world leader in manufacturing of technical textile. The significant decrease in overall trade deficit in this sector in recent year has indicated that technical textile in India has ability to tap global markets. But to achieve that possible goal, the country is required to take proactive approach towards creating capacities, expanding the existing market, promoting usage of technical textiles and increasing awareness among the citizens and institutions in the country. The sector is dominated largely by MSMEs and the right thrust in policies and incentives can position India as a global leader in production, consumption and a major exporter of technical textiles and capture significant chunk of USD 220 billion the technical textiles global market expected to reach by 2022.

The virtual conference will cover following sessions:

Session – I:  Inaugural Session
Session – II: Panel Discussion on Meditech (Medical Textile)
Session – III: Panel Discussion on Geotech (Geo Textile)
Session – IV: Panel Discussion on Sportech (Sports Textile)

The key takeaways from the conference for participants would be following but not limited to:

•    To know the Government Initiatives and Schemes to promote technical textile in India
•    New opportunities for the SME sector in technical textile
•    The on-ground challenges that SMEs need to work on
•    Investment size and Technology are key in this sector, how can one bridge the gap to create a successful business
•    Where can Indian institutes such as IIT and SITRA help entrepreneurs from a technical standpoint
•    To know the Critical aspects of the technical textile

We invite you to participate in this Conference which will provide valuable insight into a sector that hold great promise for India and its MSMEs as it has been identified among priority sectors for government support.  

For registration, use the link:

We also request you to disseminate the information amongst your Members, Associates, Affiliates and other important stakeholders who wish to benefit from this informative Conference.

Alternatively, to register kindly send us the following information of the interested participants as given below:
Email ID:
Mobile / Phone Number:

Kindly note that there is NO PARTICIPATION FEE. However, registration is mandatory.Please register your interest to participate to:

Upon registration, we will share WebEx login details for participation in the conference.

We do hope you will be able to seize this opportunity and participate on January 27.


Ajit Mangrulkar
Director General-IMC


Since  Smt. Smriti Irani, Hon’ble Union Minister of Textile, Women and Child Development will deliver Keynote Address at the inaugural session as Chief Guest for the Online Conference of “ ‘Technical Textile – The Future of Indian Textile Industry’ “ to be held on Wednesday, January 27, 2021 from 2.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m, we request our Members to kindly Participate in the said Conference.

Kindly note that there is NO PARTICIPATION FEE. However, Registration is mandatory. Please register your interest to participate through  the following Link

or alternatively to : Mobile No. 9833934313 )

Thanking you,

P. Chandrasekharan


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