

Cir No. 59 / M-3 / 2022

Cir No. 59 / M-3 / 20225th January 2022


Dear Sir,

During the month of December 2021, your Association constantly followed up with the Hon’ble Finance Minister, Members of the GST Council, and also had Meetings with some of the State Finance Ministers via Zoom as well as personal Meetings with them to convince that they should  take a strong stand at the GST Council Meeting and prevent the decision being taken to increase GST Rate from 5% to 12% – which will have a disastrous impact on millions of Consumers hence they support  the  Industry by issuing a recall notice of the Proposed Increase.

We are happy to inform you that the GST Council which met in New Delhi on 31st December 2021, has decided to defer the Proposed Increase of GST Rate from 5% to 12 %.

Please find enclosed herewith a brief overview of the Activities of the Association which we were able to accomplish during the month of December 2021.

This is for your kind Information.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,

P Chandrasekharan

Kolaso is a design studio founded in London and expanded our services, and offering solutions Worldwide.