

Cir No. 48 / S-3 / 2021

Cir No. 48 / S-3 / 202112th November 2021


Dear Sir,

In these difficult times, recovery of dues has become a huge headache to all. Litigations in Indian Courts for minor Commercial disputes are time consuming and costly and many refrain from filing Court Cases.

Arbitration is a process of Alternate Dispute Resolution(ADR) between the parties through an Arbitral Tribunal, and is less expensive, quicker, secure and offers more privacy to the parties.

To provide an Institution approach to Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) Mechanism in the Apparel and allied Industry CMAI has framed two sets of Rules – “Mediation and Conciliation Rules of CMAI” and “Arbitration Rules of CMAI”. Each Set of Rules defines a structured, institutional framework to ensure transparency, efficiency and fairness in the dispute resolution process.

We are  glad  to  inform  you that  the Association has decided to Organise an “Arbitration Seminar” to explain the Arbitration process, Rules and itsBenefits to our Members. The details of the Seminar are as under :

 Tuesday,  23rd Nov  2021 From 3.00 P.M to 6.30 P.M.Yogi Sabhagruh,Opp Dadar Station,Dadar (East )Mumbai – 400 014

Please note that due to a limited number of Seats available, Registration for the Workshop will be on First Come First Served basis.

Register here –

Register here –

To watch the seminar live on youtube on Tuesday, 23rd November 2021 click here:

For any further queries, you may contact Mr Sanjay Bhalekar (M-9819692580) or Mr Pradip Mehta (M-7045626275).

Thanking you,

Yours truly,

P Chandrasekharan

Kolaso is a design studio founded in London and expanded our services, and offering solutions Worldwide.