

Cir No. 45 / C-2 / 2020

Cir No. 45 / C-2 / 2020 12th October 2020

Dear Members,


Our Industry is passing through one of our toughest periods, and the coming months will see many of us facing several Challenges.


CMAI shall continue its efforts to try and assist our Members to expand their Businesses, and in this connection, we are attaching a mail written to 50 of our top Brands and Retailers, urging them to consider some tie up with our smaller Members.


Of course, whilst it is understandable that every Buyer will give priority to his/her existing Vendor base, some of them could also be looking at expanding their sources of supply. Hence this request to the Brands and Retailers.


Some have already responded positively, and we hope this will assist some of our Members in expanding their Business.


With Warm Regards,


Rajesh Masand



Kolaso is a design studio founded in London and expanded our services, and offering solutions Worldwide.