Cir No. 29 / O-10 / 2022
Cir No. 29 / O-01 / 2022 | 14th October 2022 |
Dear Sir,
We would like to inform you that the Handloom Export Promotion Council (HEPC) under the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India is organising Participation in many International Events with its Member Exporters throughout the World by availing grants under various schemes of the Government of India.
As per the revised guidelines of the Office of Development Commissioner (Handlooms), Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, there exists an opportunity for the Members to participate in the International Events through HEPC even though they have not registered themselves as a Member with HEPC.
In this regard, please be informed that HEPC is participating in the following International Events during 2022-23 by following the Norms of the revised guidelines. A maximum of 5 non – member Exporters (non-member of HEPC but Registered with CMAI ) would be accommodated in each event on a First Come First Served basis . While applying, you may quote CMAI Membership Number on the Application Form under intimation to us. The Event details are given below:

The cost of the participation fee is being worked out and will be communicated shortly. It is requested to circulate the above information to all your members and identify/nominate atleast 5 members of your association who are non-members of HEPC and who are willing to participate in the above events.
Grant Eligibility:
1. Participants are entitled for participation under subsidized category availing grant only upto a maximum of three participations in a particular trade fair.
2. Participants with annual export turnover of less than Rs.50 crore in the preceding financial year (2021-22) is eligible for subsidized participation charges
3. Each participant company (for one person) will also be eligible for Travel grant reimbursement of Rs.50,000/- (Economy class) or actual travel cost, whichever is less subject to approval from Ministry
4. Subsidized participation in only one event (Physical) in a calendar month is allowed and a maximum of 2 events in a year.
Members who are interested to Participate in any of the above Events and need to have any further clarification, may contact Mr Rangawamy , Joint Director , HEPC, on +91 44 28278879 / 6043 or Mobile No. 9600071902. E-mail :
Thanking you,
Yours truly,
P. Chandrasekharan
Senior Director & Secretary