

Cir No. 26 / D-9 / 2022

Cir No. 26 / D-9 / 202226th September 2022


Dear Sir,

We are enclosing herewith a Trade Notice No 2/22 dated 26th September 2022 issued by the Office of the Addl. Director General of Foreign Trade, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt of India, New Delhi informing us that they have created a Permanent Facility for Video Conferencing based Interactions with the Trade,  thus proving a more efficient forum for Exporters to raise their Suggestions, Grievances and Issues with Officials and reduce Physical Interactions. 

They also informed us that the link will be operational from 2nd October 2022 on every working day between 10.30 A.M to 11.30 A.M .

They have also drawn day wise schedule on the Points to be raised during the Video Conferencing and Interactions in the attached Trade Notice.

This is for your kind information.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,

P. Chandrasekharan
Senior Director & Secretary

Subject:Trade Notice Regarding Permanent facility for Video Conferencing based interactions with Trade


The Trade Notice on the subject mentioned above is attached herewith for your information.

Kind Regards 

Office of The Additional Director General of Foreign Trade

CLA, New Delhi 

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