

Cir No. 10 / S-20 / 2023  

Cir No. 10 / S-20 / 2023 12th June 2023


Dear Members,

You are aware of CMAI’s tremendous efforts in representing the issues of the Domestic Garment Industry to the Government, and also highlighting these through media.

One of the most important requirements for getting a stronger hearing from the Government or Media is our ability to provide them with numbers and figures. You would have seen the kind of response we got from both these during the Covid times, when we were able to provide accurate numbers of how the Domestic Industry was faring. This was possible because of the continuous Surveys that we conducted during that time, and the excellent response we got from all our Members.

We have therefore decided to continue this practice on an ongoing basis, where we will try to seek your feedback on various aspects of the Industry’s performance, whether in terms of Sales, Credit, Inventory situation, impact of Inflation, etc.

As usual, we will strive to see that no individual Company figures are asked for or quoted. Responses will be sought only in Slabs or percentages to maintain confidentiality.

I sincerely hope you will respond in maximum numbers so that our Survey results will have greater authenticity and credibility.

The first Survey – on How the Wedding Season has fared, is being sent herewith in the following
Link and I look forward to your response.

PFB Link –

Rajesh Masand

Kolaso is a design studio founded in London and expanded our services, and offering solutions Worldwide.