

Cir No. 08 / C-2 / 2021

Cir No. 08 / C-2 / 2021 27th April 2021


Dear Members,


There are times when, in the words of the late President John F. Kennedy, one has to ask not what your Country can do for you, but what you can do for your Country.

As you all are aware, that one of the biggest Vaccination Drive in the World has been launched in India, with close to 14 Crore people have already been Vaccinated. Further, from 1st May 2021, the third phase of India’s Covid-19 Vaccination drive will begin allowing all citizens of 18 years of Age and above to get Vaccines.

This gigantic task will need not only a massive effort on part of the Government, both Central and State, but also tremendous support from all the Citizens, and especially Businessmen – not only to get themselves Vaccinated, but also to encourage, motivate, and assist in getting all our Staff, and Employees get themselves Vaccinated.

I am fully aware that there is a significant shortage of Vaccines in most Cities today. But this is unlikely to last for too long. Vaccine production is being scaled up, Imports are likely to flow in shortly, and newer Vaccines are underway.

The Govt. on 24th April 2021 has issued Guidelines for States and Union Territories for effective implementation of the third phase of Vaccination, for citizens above 18 years of Age. As per the PIB release on the Phase 3 Strategy of the National Covid19 Vaccination,from 1st May 2021( Industrial Establishments would be able to procure Vaccine doses from the Manufacturers provided they follow all Protocols such as being captured on CoWIN Platform, linked to AEFI (Adverse Event Following Immunization) reporting and all other prescribed Norms.

As reported in National Media today, the Health Secretary, Govt of India, has written a letter to all States. It has been stated that Industrial Enterprises will be allowed to Vaccinate their Employees. They will have to procure the Vaccines from the notified Hospitals with cold chain facilities or map themselves to Private Hospitals. They will have to register themselves as “Industrial CVCs” (Covid Vaccine Centres).

CMAI is trying to obtain more information on the procedures, and will be happy to assist in whichever way we can. However, it would be my earnest Appeal to all of you, especially those with large Factories or situated in Industrial Estates, to join this effort in getting the Maximum number of People Vaccinated. This is the only long term solution to defeat the Virus.

An additional Incentive that the Government has announced is that any money spent towards this drive, can be set off against your CSR spend requirements.

Accordingly, I request you all to support the Government of India’s Phase 3 Vaccination drive and make sure that all your Workers/Staff working in your Factories get the Covid-19 Vaccination at the earliest. 

Thanking You,

Rajesh Masand

Kolaso is a design studio founded in London and expanded our services, and offering solutions Worldwide.