Circulars Cir No. 28 / D-1 / 2023 Cir No. 28 / D-1 / 2023 26th October 2023 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, We would like to inform you that the Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Government of India vide its Notification No. 77/2023-CUSTOMS (N.T.) dated 20.10.2023 has revised the Rates for the...
Circulars Cir No. 27 / S-3 / 2023 Cir No. 27 / S-3 / 2023 25th October 2023 TO ALL UPCOUNTRY MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, As you are aware the Association is organising a Motivational talk by Shri Santosh Nair at Yogi Sabhagruh, Lokmanya Tilak Colony, Dadar(E), Mumbai on 3rd November 2023 between...
Circulars Cir No. 26 / 78TH NGF / 2023 Cir No. 26 / 78TH NGF / 2023 23rd October 2023 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: 78th National Garment Fair29th To 31st January 2024Bombay Exhibition Center,Nesco Complex, Goregaon East,Mumbai 400063. Dear Sir, We are glad to inform you that the Association will be organizing the 78th National...
Circulars Cir No. 25 / 78TH NGF / 2023 Cir No. 25 / 78TH NGF / 2023 21st October 2023 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: 78th National Garment Fair29th To 31st January 2024Bombay Exhibition Center,Nesco Complex, Goregaon East,Mumbai 400063. Dear Sir, We are glad to inform you that the Association will be organizing the 78th National...
Circulars Cir No. 24 / M-3 / 2023 Cir No. 24 / M-3 / 2023 06th October 2023 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, Please find enclosed herewith a brief overview of the Activities of the Association which we were able to accomplish during the month of September 2023. This is for...
Circulars Cir No. 23 / C-6 / 2023 Cir No. 23 / C-6 / 2023 29th September 2023 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, SUB : ISSUANCE OF CERTFICATE OF ORIGIN ( CoO ) NON PREFERENTIAL As you are perhaps aware, the Director General of Foreign Trade ( DGFT ) Ministry of...
Circulars Cir No. 22 / G-2 / 2023 Cir No. 22 / G-2 / 2023 25th September 2023 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, We have received the following E-mail from the Office of the Principal, Additional Director General, DGTS, MZU, Mumbai informing us that the GST Council in their 50th & 51st...
Circulars Cir No. 21 / F-2 / 2023 Cir No. 21 / F-2 / 2023 25th September 2023 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, We reproduce below a Message Received from Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry ( FICCI ) which is self -explanatory. QUOTE : FICCI Maharashtra is organizing...
Circulars Cir No. 20 / M-3 / 2023 Cir No. 20 / M-3 / 2023 14th September 2023 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, Please find enclosed herewith a brief overview of the Activities of the Association which we were able to accomplish during the month of August 2023. This is for...
Cir No. 19 / M-8 / 2023 – Exclusive Invitation: Meet Philip Kotler & David Aaker on September 14-15!
Circulars Cir No. 19 / M-8 / 2023 Cir No. 19 / M-8 / 2023 13th September 2023 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, We are forwarding herewith an e-mail dated 8th September 2023 received from The Economic Times extending an Invitation to meet the much-anticipated “Future of Marketing & Branding” Masterclass with some of the...