Mar 09-12, 2021 CITY I Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mar 06-08, 2021 CITY I Offenbach, Germany
Circulars Cir No. 64 / P-7 / 2021 Cir No. 64 / P-7 / 2021 16th January 2021 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION Dear Sir, We are enclosing herewith Hindi version of our Circular No. 62 on the “ Activities of CMAI – 2020 ” sent to you on 12th January 2021. We hope you will find...
Circulars Cir No. 63 / S-2 / 2021 Cir No. 63 / S-7 / 2021 14th January 2021 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION Dear Sir, We are enclosing herewith a Letter sent by our President, Mr Rajesh Masand to the following Officials at SEBI on the above Subject. Mr Ajay Tyagi, Chairman, SEBI Mr...