Earlier restricted to staple products like jeans and polo shirts, Indian menswear market is currently bigger than women’s wear says a Vogue Business report. It’s estimated at $26 billion and forms 46 per cent of overall apparel sales. According to the Italian. TO READ MORE: http://dealersforyou.com/categories/news/apparel/india-s-menswear-market-a-34-billion-opportunity-for-brands
To attract consumers, apparel and lifestyle brands have introduced a clutch of initiatives besides launching new comfortable clothing ranges and expanding online presence Label Ritu Kumar which has launched ‘Label Basics’ range to cater to demands TO READ MORE: http://dealersforyou.com/categories/news/apparel/apparel-brands-launch-new-initiatives-collections-to-attract-customers
Circulars Cir No. 12 / C-2 / 2021 Cir No. 12 / C-2 / 2021 12th May 2021 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, We are enclosing herewith a Notice dated 12th May 2021 issued by the Office of the Employees State Insurance Corporation, Ministry of Labour & Employment, New Delhi informing that the ESI...
Circulars Cir No. 11 / C-2 / 2021 Cir No. 11 / C-2 / 2021 12th May 2021 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, We would like to inform you that Trust for Retailers & Retail Associates of India (TRRAIN), Mumbai have opened their Counselling Feature from their own Circle to any and every...
As the pandemic continues to ravage the lives of people, one of the biggest challenges for brick-and-mortar stores has been to regain footfall. Thus, in order to remain relevant apparel and lifestyle brands have introduced a clutch of initiatives TO READ MORE: https://www.financialexpress.com/brandwagon/high-street-fashion-brands-eye-online-platforms-look-to-drive-sales-by-launching-wfh-range/2245933/
With Covid-19 wreaking havoc in the country, average monthly rentals across the key high street markets in top cities witnessed some corrections, according to data from Anarock Research. The Anarock data showed that the most expensive retail havoc in the country, average monthly rentals across the key high street markets in top cities witnessed some...
The Indian apparel industry, which was on a path to recovery since the beginning of this year, has being hit once more by the second COVID-19 wave. A survey conducted by the Clothing Manufacturers Association of India (CMAI). TO READ MORE: http://dealersforyou.com/categories/news/apparel/india-s-garment-industry-hit-hard-by-second-covid-wave-cmai
Domestic apparel manufactures, faced with the severity of the second wave of covid, are considering a reduction in workforce as they stare at a weak order pipeline, according to a survey conducted by the Clothing Manufacturers Association of India (CMAI) in the first week of May. TO READ MORE: https://www.livemint.com/economy/domestic-apparel-manufacturers-plan-job-cuts-as-second-wave-crushes-business-11620454753004.html
The Retailers Association of India has asked Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman to support retailers by extending the emergency credit line guarantee scheme and granting a six-month loan moratorium. As brick-and-mortar stores remain closed TO READ MORE: https://in.fashionnetwork.com/news/Rai-urges-finance-minister-to-grant-retailers-emergency-benefits,1298604.html
PRESS RELEASE CMAI SURVEY INDICATES DOMESTIC GARMENT INDUSTRY ONCE AGAIN IN MIDST OF A MASSIVE CRISIS – 77% MANUFACTURERS PLANNING TO REDUCE STAFF AND JOBS Majority of Manufacturers down to 25% of pre-covid sales72% of Manufacturers face more than 50% order CancellationsMay expected to be worse, normalcy not expected before DiwaliMore than 50% Workers go...