July 02 to 04, 2022 Paris, France
Known for his extravagant vision of action, Rohit Shetty is all set to thrill everyone with his impeccable sense of fashion. Kewal Kiran Clothing Limited has got on board Rohit Shetty as their new brand ambassador for their clothing brand LawmanPg3. The brand has envisioned creating unique fashionable clothing for men to make the brand...
Circulars Cir No. 06 / S-3 / 2022 Cir No. 06 / S-3 / 202219th May 2022 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE MUMBAI & MAHARASHTRA: Dear Sirs, This is to bring to the attention of all Members in Mumbai & Maharashtra that the Government of Maharashtra, vide GR 35 dated 17/03/2022 has amended the Maharashtra Shops...
The last few years have seen private labels gaining popularity in India. Nearly all major retailers from Reliance Retail to Spencer’s Retail, Metro Cash & Carry India, and e-commerce players like BigBasket, etc have launched private labels to survive in the ever-growing market*. TO READ MORE: http://www.dfupublications.com/news/apparel/prudent-market-choices-correct-pricing-key-to-private-label-s-growth-in-india
“THE COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT (CEPA) the trade pact will open doors to Indian labour and incentivize many sectors including textiles,” says commerce and industry minister Piyush Goyal this Friday. TO READ MORE: http://www.dfupublications.com/news/start-up/cepa-between-india-uae-to-incentavise-textile-sector
The potential of India as a luxury market is breathtaking. This year, it’s likely to be one of the fastest-growing markets in global luxury, forecast to be worth $8.5 billion, up by an impressive $2.5 billion on 2021, according to estimates by Euromonitor International. India remains a relatively new opportunity for global luxury brands, which...
Circulars Cir No. 05 / 75th NGF / 2022 Cir No. 05 / 75th NGF / 2022 10th May 2022 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: 75th National Garment Fair12th to 15th July 2022Bombay Exhibition Center,NESCO Complex, Goregaon (East),Mumbai 400 063. Dear Sir, We are glad to inform you that the Association will be organizing the 75th National Garment...
It seems sustainable fashion is an emerging standard that a new generation of designers in India are aspiring for. With the use of natural fabrics and dyes, brands are embracing this new shift in the world of the clothing industry. TO READ MORE:
Fashion retailers such as Shoppers Stop, Celio and Arvind Fashions plan to increase prices given the unabated rise in cotton prices, which has been worrying the industry for more than a year. TO READ MORE: https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/companies/fashion-retailers-plan-further-price-hikes-as-cotton-price-climbs-8456421.html