Circulars Cir No. 18 / M-3 / 2022 Cir No. 18 / M-3 / 202208th August 2022 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, Please find enclosed herewith a brief overview of the Activities of the Association which we were able to accomplish during the month of July 2022. This is for your kind...
Circulars Cir No. 17 / M-3 / 2022 Cir No. 17 / M-3 / 202203rd August 2022 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, As you are aware, your Association is trying its level best to Resolve the Payment Disputes of our Members through Conciliation & Arbitration Process. We also Publish the Conciliation &...
Circulars Cir No. 16 / G-2 / 2022 Cir No. 16 / G-2 / 202202nd August 2022 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, As you are perhaps aware, the Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Govt of India Vide its Notification No. 13/2020 – Central Tax dtd 21st March 2020 had fixed the E-...
Circulars Cir No. 15 / E-8 / 2022 Cir No. 15 / E-8 / 202227th July 2022 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, We would like to inform you that Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation of India (ECGC) introduced a New Scheme providing enhanced Export Credit Risk Insurance cover up to 90% for Small Exportersunder...
Circulars Cir No. 14 / G-2 / 2022 Cir No. 14 / G-2 / 202227th July 2022 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, We would like to inform you that the IMC Chamber of Commerce & Industry is Organiing a Workshop on “Recent Changes under the GST Law” on Friday, 12th August 2022 from 2.00...
Circulars Cir No. 13 / R-14 / 2022 Cir No. 13 / R-14 / 202216th July 2022 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, We would like to inform you that Ministry of Textiles, Govt of India vide Notification No. 14/26/2016-IT(VOL.II) dated 07.03.2019 introduced a new Scheme namely “Scheme for Rebate of State and...
Circulars Cir No. 12 / F-4 / 2022 Cir No. 11 / M-3 / 20226th July 2022 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, We are forwarding herewith the following E-mail received from the Trade Attache’s Office, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, New Delhi, which is self explanatory. If any Member wishes to meet...
Circulars Cir No. 11 / M-3 / 2022 Cir No. 11 / M-3 / 20226th July 2022 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, Please find enclosed herewith a brief overview of the Activities of the Association which we were able to accomplish during the month of June 2022. This is for your kind...
Circulars Cir No. 10 / FAB / 2022 Cir No. 10 / FAB / 202227th June 2022 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, We are glad to inform you that the Association will be organizing THE 2ND CMAI FAB Show to be held from 19th to 21st September 2022 at Jio...
Experts predict that a falling rupee will improve India’s competitiveness in the global market, resulting in increased exports of agricultural items, textiles, gems, and jewelry. The rupee has lost 6% in the first half of this calendar year, trading at 75.51 dollars, down from 71.38 on January 1. In truth, the rupee had fallen to...