Circulars Cir No. 09 / M-3 / 2023 Cir No. 09 / M-3 / 2023 12th June 2023 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, Please find enclosed herewith a brief overview of the Activities of the Association which we were able to accomplish during the month of May 2023. This is for...
Circulars Cir No. 08 / I-40 / 2023 Cir No. 08 / I-40 / 2023 29th May 2023 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, We would like to inform you that the Association has decided in principle to support the above Event, being organised by M/s Messe Düsseldorf India Pvt. Ltd. Gurugram – 122002,...
Circulars Cir No. 07 / 77TH NGF / 2023 Cir No. 07 / 77TH NGF / 2023 26th May 2023 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, We are glad to inform you that the Association has received an Overwhelming Response towards Participation in the 77th National Garment Fair to be held on 18th, 19th,...
Circulars Cir No. 06 / O-5 / 2023 Cir No. 06 / O-5 / 2023 25th May 2023 TO TO THE MEMBERS OF ETHNIC WEAR MANUFACTURERS: Dear Sir, We are forwarding herewith an e-mail dated 22nd May 2023 received from World Trade Centre, Mumbai informing us that an Import House in UK is looking for...
Circulars Cir No. 05 / I-9 / 2023 Cir No. 05 / I-9 / 2023 18th May 2023 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, We would like to inform all our Members that IMC Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bombay Chartered Accountants Society and Chamber of Tax Consultants are jointly organizing a full-day...
Circulars Cir No. 04 / M-3 / 2023 Cir No. 04 / M-23 / 2023 11th May 2023 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, Please find enclosed herewith a brief overview of the Activities of the Association which we were able to accomplish during the month of April 2023. This is for...
Circulars Cir No. 03 / 77TH NGF / 2023 Cir No. 03 / 77TH NGF / 2023 21st April 2023 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: 77th National Garment Fair18th to 21st July 2023 MEN’S, WOMEN’S& ACCESSORIES SECTIONKIDS SECTIONBombay Exhibition Center,NESCO Complex, Goregaon (East),Mumbai 400 063.Jio World Convention Centre, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra...
Circulars Cir No. 02 / M-3 / 2023 Cir No. 02 / M-3 / 2023 15th April 2023 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, Please find enclosed herewith a brief overview of the Activities of the Association which we were able to accomplish during the month of March 2023. This is for...
Circulars Cir No. 01 / M-2 / 2023 Cir No. 01 / M-2 / 2023 14th April 2023 TO ALL ASSOCIATE MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Dear Sir, There has been a consistent request from our Supply Chain Partners, particularly our Fabric Suppliers, to include them in our Arbitration Process. In other words, requesting CMAI...
Circulars Cir No. 59 / 69TH IIGF / 2023 Cir No. 59 / 69TH IIGF / 2023 28th March 2023 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: 69th INDIA INTERNATIONAL GARMENT FAIRSPRING / SUMMER 2024 Dear Sir, As a part of the Export Promotion Activities, we are pleased to announce next Edition of IIGF i.e 69th India...