

Cir No. 58 / A-3 / 2023  

Cir No. 58 / A-3 / 2023 28th March 2023


Dear Sir,

In these difficult times, recovery of dues has become a huge headache to all. Litigations in Indian Courts for minor Commercial disputes are time consuming and costly and many refrain from filing Court Cases. Arbitration is a process of Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) between the parties through an Arbitral Tribunal, and is less expensive, quicker, secure and offers more privacy to the parties.

To provide an Institution approach to Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) Mechanism in the Apparel and allied Industry CMAI has launched its Arbitration Cell on 23rd November 2021 at a specially organised Arbitration Seminar. 

Even after numerous reminders many of our Members have not printed the CMAI Arbitration Clause on their Invoices/Contracts/Purchase Orders.  Printing of this Clause will help the Members to fast resolution of disputes. This will reduce their cost of litigation as the final order issued by the Arbitration Panel is enforceable in the Court of Law. All Members desirous of making reference to mediation / arbitration by CMAI must mandatorily print on all Invoices/Contracts/Purchase Orders the following Arbitration Clause:


“All disputes, or differences arising between the Parties out of or relating to this contract shall be resolved under “Arbitration Rules of CMAI” and the Award made in pursuance thereof shall be binding on the Parties.”

This is for your Information and kind action.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,

P. Chandrasekharan
Senior Director & Secretary

Kolaso is a design studio founded in London and expanded our services, and offering solutions Worldwide.