

Cir No. 21 / C-32 / 2022

Cir No. 21 / C-32 / 202224th August 2022


Dear Sir,

We would like to bring to your kind attention that Office of DC-MSME, Ministry of Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises, Government of India vide E-mail dated 22nd August 2022 informed us that the Government of India enacted the “Child & Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act” in 1986 to eradicate the practice of Child and Adolescent labour in our Country (Text of the E-mail received from MSME appended below for your immediate reference)

It is, therefore, necessary that all the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) across the Country should strictly comply with the provisions of the Act to realize the goal of Child-Labour Free India.

We would also like to inform you that mandatory self-declaration is also taken when an MSME applies for Udyam Registration that no Child and Adolescent Labour will be employed in their Premises.

Detailed information relating to the Act can be downloaded from:- linksto the provisions of the Act are also given on MSME Websites and

We also append below the said E-mail received from the Ministry of MSME for your ready reference.

Thanking you,

P. Chandrasekharan
Senior Director & Secretary

From:Pawan Kumar Singh []
Sent:22 August 2022 15:18


      As you are aware, the Government enacted the “Child & Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act” in 1986 to eradicate the practice of Child and Adolescent labour in our country.

 2.   In this connection, it is necessary that all the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) across the nation strictly comply with the provisions of the Act to realize the goal of Child-labour free India.

 3. You may be aware that mandatory self-declaration is also taken when an MSME applies for Udyam Registration that no child and adolescent labour will be employed in their premises.

 4. Accordingly, all the MSME/Industry Associations are requested to disseminate information amongst the MSMEs for strict adherence to the provisions of the Act. Detailed information relating to the Act can be downloaded from here,which may also be accessed at Website links to the provisions of the Act are also given on our websites


Pawan Kumar Singh, IES
Assistant Director(Policy)
Office of DC-MSME
Ministry of MSME
Government of India

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