

Cir No. 46 / C-2 / 2021

Cir No. 46 / C-2 / 202101st November 2021


Dear Sir,

We would like to inform you that the Public Health Department of the Govt of Maharaashtra has issued Government Order dated 26th October 2021 & 28th October 2021 advising Employees working in the Offices and also people who are visiting the Office for work to wear  Mask covering their Nose and Mouth completely. 

The Government Order also states that the Employees working in the Office should have completed both Doses of Vaccination and the Employer should collect their Certificate of Vaccination. In case of any Employees have any problem in  getting Vaccination, they should contact the near by Vaccination Centre or Public Health Department and arrange to get the Vaccination done.

Since use of Masks has been made Mandatory for all the people in all the Offices and in the Office area alongwith the Visitors, they should follow the Order strictly and if found without a Mask, is liable to pay a Fine of Rs.200/-

The above said Government Orders in Marathi, Hindi, and in English are enclosed herewith for your reference. 

You are therefore requested to comply with the above Orders issued by the Govt of Maharashtra.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,

P Chandrasekharan

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