

Cir No.62 / P-7 / 2021

Cir No.62 / P-7 / 2021 12th January 2021

Dear Friends,

As we all know, 2020 has been one of the most trying years in recent memory, and it was no different for Trade Bodies and Industry Associations, with Offices remaining closed, Staff unable to attend, and travel virtually ruled out.

CMAI too had its own share of restrictions, constraints, and limitations. Its most popular event, the National Garment Fair, was severely curtailed; activities which had already begun at the start of the year had to be Cancelled or Postponed, and new Projects envisaged had to be kept in abeyance.

However, I am happy to inform you that the Managing Committee and the Secretariat did yeoman work during the period of Lockdown and gradual unlocking, and continued to strive to provide service to CMAI Members throughout the Year.

A lot more could have been achieved had normal times prevailed, but I am happy to share with you all a brief overview of the Activities we were able to accomplish during the year. Of course, there were a few which we began conceptualising, but were not able to execute, and others which we began but could not complete.

I am hoping that 2021 will see the fructification of all these Activities and many more.

I take this opportunity to thank all my Colleagues on the Managing Committee, the various Sub-Committees, our Trustees, our Seniors, and finally all the Office colleagues for their unstinted support during these difficult times.

With Best Regards,

Yours Sincerely,

Rajesh Masand


Kolaso is a design studio founded in London and expanded our services, and offering solutions Worldwide.